Articles | Core Leader

You’ve Reached the Top. Now What? Pointers for Facing Life After the C-Suite

Most executives and high-achievers have a predictable narrative as to how they

Articles | Core Leader

What Einstein, a fish and a tree tell us about leadership

Mission statements are fine and employee handbooks are dandy, but what really

Articles | Core Leader

Millennial Retention Is all About Purpose; So What Is Purpose?

As a young company, you might naturally gravitate toward seeking young talent.

Articles | Core Leader

How Do You Make Organizational Purpose Work?

When you divorce individual purpose from organisational purpose, you may end up

Articles | Core Leader

Successful Leadership In Even The Most Uncertain Of Times

In today’s world, many things feel more predictable than ever. That same

Articles | Core Leader

The ONE Time Stress Isn’t Bad For You — According to Research

As an antidote to stress, we often seek respite through activities that bring us

Articles | Core Leader

Profits? Politics? Nike’s Colin Kaepernik Campaign May Be Driven By Something Else Altogether

Some observers see Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ campaign featuring Colin Kaepernik

Articles | Core Leader

Beat Imposter Syndrome By Stepping Into Your Purpose

Have you ever felt that the moment you walk into the office each day you have to

Articles | Core Leader

Clear Purpose Helps Businesses Grow, Todd Tillemans, Hershey’s US President – Business Insider

Working for a purpose-driven company has always been important to me.

Articles | Core Leader

Thriving When the “Authorities” No Longer Know What to Do – CXO (

Executives everywhere are having to re-evaluate their purpose and re-establish

“I have been privileged to watch Nick up close as he has helped thousands of people discover their purpose over the past ten years. Listen closely, because Nick Craig is truly the Master of Purpose.”

Nick Craig | Core Leader

Senior Lecturer, Harvard Business School

Nick Craig | Core Leader

Senior Lecturer, Harvard Business School

Nick Craig | Core Leader

Senior Lecturer, Harvard Business School

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